September 15, 2002: "back to school bash" at the
stone pony.
and what a bash it was. the set was tight and th mix amazing. they started out
with a version of "goddamn" that started from hell but ended up in heaven.
absolutely beautiful. fans were also treated to a quieter more subtle version of
the late Aaliyah's "Dust Yourself off and Try Again", a song which kelly milk is
known for rocking out to. argueably, the coolest part of the show was when these
two kids starting moshing all alone, and one started doing cartwheels and broke
out into some type of breakdancing(who was that?)
mad love.
august 23. Krome Show...
[email from steve to imran]:::::
lasssssst nite, da da da da da, da da da da da, buda bum bum bum.
Kelly Milk played the KROME last nite. It was cool. Much, much better than the
last time. The two bands before us dropped out so we had to go on first at 7:30.
We played Crime & 9, 17, break it up, only in america, bomb the kids, Try Again
(by Aliyah), sundae, and we closed the set with a new song "Korea." At the
climax of Sundae I took a flying leap off the stage onto the floor-
remarkably, it didn't hurt at all. We played really hard and with a lot of
enthusiasm. I've got rub burns all over my right wrist and scabs on my
thumb and picking fingers. A good time had by all. Tara came but she missed the
show because we went on early. whatever, at least she wasn't drunk.
We're playing there again next friday, if that's of any interest. Imran, you've
got to give me the web adress for Kelly Milk, I really want to see it.
People keep telling me how good it is.
Hope the weather is fair at the Malik residence.
Yours truly,
august 6.the conduit
wasnt there. but i talked to steve...
ME:"how was the show?"
STEVE:"It went well, ya know..." pauses for a second..."well, you know, they
didnt really understand us"
indulge in the kelly milk guestbook
Krome Show
kelly milk was last to play on the side stage, and tons of people came out to
see the band tonight. it was great fun, and the band played a fairly harder set
tonight, pleasing the "moshers" from the, well, second song. they started of
with "sundae", and then kicked it into high gear with "CIA" right after that.
ending with "crime & 9", the crowd was pleased to say the least